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Website & Upcoming Channel Updates

Writer's picture: bobobobo

Greetings Everyone! I've updated the CONTACT section of the website and removed the live chat feature. It was something that wasn't used too often so instead, I've replaced it with a form to make things easier on the eyes. Please note that I will do my best to respond to messages asap! As for upcoming channel updates, I will be changing some of the usual content on my channel and putting more of it towards my weekend Twitch streams. In fact, you may actually see me stream more often than just Saturdays at 12pm PST. The other stream times will be random, so you will need to either follow my Twitch & Twitter to be notified when I stream. As for the youtube videos, I will no longer be putting up repeated / slightly altered / multiple week story content Mabinogi events on my channel. Instead, most of the "event" videos will strictly be on my stream channel so we can experience the event together to make it more fun. If there are new events that definitely needs to be featured on a concrete video, then I will do my best to make a video on it (again, no guarantees)! I definitely want to have more 101 / random Youtube videos featured on my channel more than just "Mabinogi events". With all the massive amounts of Mabinogi events and gachapons, it's made it very difficult to put up other videos... I've practically done nothing but advertise the game instead of help players play the game. Also as mentioned in my previous post, Mabinogi gachapon videos are no longer guaranteed to be on my channel. I know I've been diligently opening every single gachapon that comes our way, but my finances simply say no to me this time. In fact, there may be a period where I won't be able to do gachapon / crate videos since I might be going through a financial hardship in the future. It's not Nexon to blame for the hole in my wallet, but more or less my own personal work situation. As I get older, real world problems hit hard and I will need to focus more on these sort of things. But for now, I shall game on as much as I can! I know most of this isn't especially any good news and mainly it's because my time lately has been quite preoccupied both in game and real life. Again, thank you all for your continued support and positive messages!

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mabiBOBO © 2017 by bobo.  Artwork by Gooeh <3

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