Hi Everyone! Here is my in depth review of the Mabinogi Mag Mell Mixer event that happened on July 5th! Overall I had a great time and hope that Mabinogi / Nexon continues to do these sort of events more often (just give us more months in advance so we can prepare! LOL) Food, Drinks & Music - 8/10 For this event, we were given two tickets to redeem two alcoholic or non alcoholic drinks. I was a little disappointed that there were no Mabinogi themed drinks. The drinks were pretty much the basic drinks you can get so I just got a Blue Moon and lemonade. As for food, CIoudstrlfe felt they were kind of Mabinogi themed. One of them being mushroom skewers which kind of related to the Mabinogi Mushroom and Boar skewers you had to make for G25. The other food they served were beef sliders and tartare on a chip. My favorite would have to be the mushroom skewers and it was definitely CIoudstrlfe's favorite too because he was going for seconds and thirds. There were plenty of food too because the staff came up to us many times thoughout the day. For the music, I gotta say the guy mixing the songs did an amazing job. We heard lots of recognizable Mabinogi BGM themes like Simon's theme song, Rundal dungeon, etc. It's just too bad they didn't use my favorite BGM: Keith's theme song. I sure hope there's some sort of album that comes out later with all the songs though! For my rating, I am only knocking off two stars because the drinks were a bit disappointing and the music felt so loud. I don't know, maybe I'm turning into an old lady, but I felt like I was at a club when the music could have been more of a bar jingle tone, but as CIoudstrlfe said "this is a MIXER event bobo".

Activities and Crafting Tables - 7/10
At this event, on the first floor, they had two crafting tables. One for origami Mabinogi animals and another one for Mabinogi mobiles. I first joined some lovely ladies at the crafting table for origami and I thought that activity was pretty nice and chill. I somehow though, made my little devcat with only one ear by accidentally folding it in, but it's okay, it's precious regardless! I drew my iconic dot eyes and whistling lips and left it on the table to hopefully be adopted by a random Milletian. The crafting table for the mobiles were definitely more popular and formed a line. CIoudstrlfe immediately recognized it to be in theme with the Mabinogi Winter Forest mobile used to teleport to Sliab Mis because he actually reads the storyline LOL. Of course I created my mobile out of cute peachy pink string with some pink, white and gold beads and gems. The bottom of my mobile spells out "bobo" with the code "X sticks" for "b" and "triangle gems" for "o". After I was done, they went ahead and took a photo of me holding my mobile, I just hope I held it in the right direction and it says "bobo" instead of "obob" LOL. They also had a cosplay contest but I did not want to participate even though I had the CUTEST headband and received compliments for it. I'm just too introverted IRL unlike my Youtube character's personality and plus, there were folks in full blown costumes so I had absolutely no chance! Although the staff at the tables were all great, I still felt that there were a lack of activities to do at this event. Most people just sat around the lounge areas on both floors and chatted. You can pretty much do everything within the hour of arriving, but most folks just hung around and chilled. Also disappointed Ferghus wasn't there!

Swag and Announcements - 8/10
It's no doubt that a lot of folks that attended this event came for the freeee swaggg. At the entrance, we were given a totebag full of goodies. There was also a raffle entry for 100,000 NX (which I'm sure I didn't win, but that would've been some nice gacha funds) I was first impressed with the quality and sturdiness of the Mabinogi tote bag. It's not like the flimsy Anime Expo tote bags that can get the handles ripped off, no this one was pretty sturdy. Inside the bag, there was an in game code gift for two titles (one with effects), a popper hat, and apparently a dead bee? LOL. I was disappointed the in game item wasn't more fashion-like . The popper hat seemed kinda ridiculous and made no sense to the theme of the event. My favorite swag gift was the water bottle that resembles a rebirth potion. It's definitely useful and a decent quality bottle. The other swag like the stickers, notebook, and washi tape is probably stuff I'd never want to use because they're so adorable and shouldn't be wasted, but yeah, maybe one day I will. The Pan keychain is quite hefty, the thing doesn't seem hollow. It also appears like most of these swag gifts came from the Nexon Korea event. Kind of surprised they didn't take the opportunity to sell Mabinogi merch, but a part of me felt like it was because the event was more of a gift for players and not a way to make money. As for the special announcements they did on the second floor, they basically just played the Mabinogi Unreal 5 Trailer that was posted on my mabiBOBO discord so it wasn't anything too new. It's no surprise that there were a lack of enthusiasm to the trailer because I'm sure most folks there already saw it. Either that, or peeps were dreading the fact that we won't get this update until a very long time LOL. Anyways I knocked some points off because the announcements weren't really exclusive or new so for those that didn't attend, don't worry, you didn't miss out on much.

The Community - 10/10
All the folks at this event, milletians, Mabi staff, and hotel staff, were overall friendly and positive. It's great to see folks come together with a common interest and that is exactly how I met some of my best friends. I did run into a few folks that recognized me as mabiBOBO, mainly because they spotted my portable fan had my mabiBOBO Youtube icon on it. I'm glad to meet folks that told me that my videos had an impact during their beginning days of Mabinogi. I felt like I was some old wise teacher meeting their students LOL. Although my teaching days may be over, I am still doing gachapons and will continue to do whatever videos I can related to Mabinogi for my current subscribers and newer ones. I felt like I would've approached more folks if there were some sort of icebreaker activity done to meet and greet everyone. I saw some recognizable names on the signature board but unfortunately I couldn't put the face to each person unless their IGN was above their actual head (which a group of people actually cleverly did in a form of a headband). I did awkwardly jump in to get a photo taken with some cosplayers and in doing so, accidentally kicked & spilled their drink. DOHHH clumsy bobo is clumsy! (you can see the spilled drink in the photo lmao!) No doubt though, I have no reason to knock any points because everyone was kind and sweet. I think folks often think the opposite and assume the Mabinogi community is toxic & dramatic, but honestly, after coming back to the game a few months ago, I've only met and been greeted by kind folks. Kudos to the community, please keep being kind and sweet!

And that is my review folks! To the folks that couldn't attend, I hope my video and review makes you feel included as if you were there. Stay awesome everyone!~